Draw texts

Review of texts drawing tasks
This category contains 4 showcases

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Multi-line text

Drawing text with multi lines


Showcase steps

  1. Click the Text icon in the Elements menu.
  2. Click the text position, then type the text. Hit the ENTER key to move to the next line.
  3. Click the Write icon to edit the text.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Set the text style.
  6. Set text font family
  7. Unselect the text to select a line.
  8. Select a text line element to change its style
  9. Set text line fill color
  10. New text with copy paste from another tool
  11. Click text position
  12. Click Paste and insert icon.
  13. Paste text from another text editor.
  14. Click OK.

Multilingual text

Drawing a multilingual text with language selector
The text is displayed with its defined value for the navigator language


Showcase steps

  1. In the Document pane, click the Multilanguage icon.This sets up the document for multiple languages.
  2. Select a display language (the first or main language in which to display the graphic).
  3. Select the preferred languages (use Shift or Ctrl key to select multiple languages).
  4. Select the check box to insert language selector, if required (the list of languages to display onscreen).
  5. Select the font size and unit.
  6. Enter the number of languages per line to display on the language selector.
  7. Click OK.
  8. In the Media pane, click the Multilanguage text icon.
  9. Click the location on the graphic where you want to insert the text.
  10. Paste copied text into each language field.
  11. Select the font for each language, if desired.
  12. Click OK.
  13. Click on the language selector and drag it to the desired location on the graphic.
  14. Click each of the languages in the language selector to test.
  15. To add more languages,Select a text in the graphic.In the floating menu, click the Multi-language text icon.
  16. In the Multi-language text dialog box, select a language from the Add language drop-down list.
  17. Click Add language.
  18. Paste copied text in the added language field.
  19. Click OK.
  20. Click the added language in the language selector to test it.

Simple text

Create single-line text, edit style properties, and adjust length


Showcase steps

  1. Click the Text icon in the Elements menu.
  2. Click the text position.
  3. Set the text fill style.
  4. Set the text fill color.There are more choices with the palette.
  5. Set the text style.
  6. Set the font family to Verdana.
  7. There are more font choices.
  8. Change the font family to Tahoma.
  9. Set the font size.
  10. Click the Write icon to edit text.
  11. Click OK
  12. Click the Copy icon to make a copy.Select more style properties.
  13. Move the new text.
  14. Set the text stroke color.
  15. Set the text fill gradient.
  16. Edit properties to set text length.
  17. Set text length
  18. Set length adjust mode.

Text on a path

Drawing texts on paths


Showcase steps

  1. Select the path element.
  2. Click the 'Add text path' icon.Then enter the text.
  3. Click the 'Text path alignment' icon.
  4. Move the offset index.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click the Properties icon.
  7. Select Geometry tab.
  8. Change dy value.
  9. Click Close.
  10. Set the text style.
